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1.- ‘Where is John?’ ‘He ______ TV at the moment.’


2.- ’_______ that film yesterday?’


3.- ________ a cat in the garden.


4.- Tomorrow is Saturday and Maria ________ to buy a new dress.


5.- I got a letter from my mother last week but I _______ to her yet.


6.- Your shoes are very dirty. You ________ clean them.


7.- This hat is _______.


8.- It’s now one o’clock and John and Paul are having ______ lunch.


9.- He opened the door and went ________ the room.


10.- _______ broke that plate?


11.- ‘Where is your book?’ ‘I _________ it last week.’


12.- He’s _________ intelligent than I am.


13.- I’ll wash the car if I ________ time.


14.- When I went into the sitting room he _________ TV.


15.- ‘Is there a post office near here?’ ‘I’m not sure, but I think _______.’


16.- I don’t smoke now but I ________ smoke 40 cigarettes a day when I was 21.


17.- The radio is very loud. Please ________.


18.- ‘Would you like some coffee?’ ‘yes, I ________.’


19.- She doesn’t enjoy ________ fish, you know.


20.- The first time you _________ London was in 1993, wasn’t it?


21.- He didn’t let me _________ the piano.


22.- If you don’t mind ,we’d rather _________ now.


23.- We’ d really like you ________ to the party tonight.


24.- Why didn’t you make him ________ for the damage?


25.- I’ll phone when I _______ the news.


26.- ‘Are you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Who _______ for?’


27.- The policeman will explain _______ a hotel.


28.- If they _______ the examination, they’d all be very happy.


29.- He drives much ________ than he used to.


30.- She had already told me she _______ possibly carry it, so I carried it for her.


31.- I wonder if you’d mind ________ a moment?


32.- She keeps ________ us what to do.


33.- You didn’t tell me she ________ have an operation.


34.- When she fell downstairs, _________.


35.- It all depends _________ you.


36.- ‘Did you enjoy your holiday in Spain?’ ‘No, I wish ________.’


37.- In a hundred years time the population of the world _________.


38.- If he hadn’t been so tired, he ________ asleep.


39.- Your hair’s too long. You really should _________.


40.- He doesn’t know ________ to come or not.


41.- That house is in a terrible state! You can see it ________ for years.


42.- When the bank ________ three weeks ago, the police were there waiting for the robbers.


43.- Most English people prefer tea _________ coffee, don’t they?


44.- ‘How did the thieves steal the painting?’
‘They stole it from the gallery _______ it was heavily guarded.’


45.- ‘Why did he give up his job in the city?’
‘He gave it up ________ he could take up farming.’


46.- He was ill so he wanted ________ some medicine.


47.- This is just ________ I’ve always wanted.


48.- She’s very upset. You _______ told her off.


49.- ‘Sorry I can’t come. I ________ with my parents.’


50.- The thief ________ away with £1 million.


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